Nepalese industrial units can significantly cut their operational costs and can be environmentally friendlier by using energy more efficiently. Recognizing the pivotal role that District Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DCCIs) can play in promoting the energy efficiency (EE) initiatives in the districts, a three day workshop has been organized for their capacity development. During the workshop, organized from 9 December to 11 December 2013, 16 participants from 9 DCCIs got an opportunity to get acquainted with technical, financial and managerial aspects of energy efficiency. The workshop was organized by Energy Efficiency Centre- Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (EEC-FNCCI) with support from Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP).
Highlighting knowledge gained during the workshop, Ms. Era Shrestha, Business Development Officer of CCI, Chitwan showed her confidence that in coming days, the industries in Chitwan will be able to get benefit from her chamber in the area of energy efficiency. She further stated Chitwan CCI will move further in the sector with a development of coherent business plan. Similarly, Ms. Rajani Nepal, Programme Officer of CCI Makwanpur and Bishnu Neupane of Nepalgunj shared that with information and knowledge gained during the workshop their respective chambers would be able to render EE services in their districts. Sharing experiences in EE measures already gained in Morang, Mr. Somnath Adhikary, the Executive Director of Morang CCI revealed that the EE interventions have brought tangible benefits to the industries and the country as a whole within a short span of time. Mr. Adhikary, also explained that the workshop provided him to share the experience of his CCI to others.
Recognizing the potential role that DCCIs can play in promoting EE in the commercial and industrial enterprises at the district level, EEC-FNCCI has been implementing different capacity development activities with support from NEEP. To date 10 DCCIs i.e. Morang, Sunsari, Makwanpur, Birgunj, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Chitwan Butwal, Sidharthanagar, and Nepalgunj have signed Memorandum of Understanding with EEC-FNCCI for providing EE services. Earlier, this year, initially an awareness raising programs were organized at the DCCIs. This was followed by a Training Need Assessment for assessing capacity development needs for promotion of energy efficiency in the districts. Further, as Morang and Butwal Chamber of Commerce and Industry have shown their willingness, interest and commitment to build capacity in offering services in conducting/ facilitating GIZ is supporting them with its instrument Development Advisor with objective to support them in providing EE related services.
Further information:
Click here for more information on component 3 of NEEP
Click here for more information on Energy Efficiency Centre
What is |
Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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